Saturday, November 3, 2007

November 3, 2007, afternoon

It was a lovely day to go for a stroll around the park and see what was new.
Nov. 3 walk in the park
Also a lovely day to do a little tai chi.
Nov. 3 walk in the park
The geese were out in numbers again, filling up on grass for the journey South.
Nov. 3 walk in the park
These four reminded me of the cover of Abbey Road (sort of).
Nov. 3 walk in the park
Just past the walking geese, we saw two more little trees that had been felled by beaver. Someone had recently planted them and one even had an anti-rabbit collar around it - not much good against the much bigger rodent Castor Canadensis. Obviously, the beavers are still at large.
Nov. 3 walk in the park
We decided to walk right around the pond, to see what else the beavers had been up to. And we wondered where they were living or whether they came in from somewhere else and left during the night (or day). I thought this sign might give me a clue as to whether the pond water had an external source but it didn't really say.
Nov. 3 walk in the park
This is the view as you cross the little bridge, if you scrunch down and look through the railing.
Nov. 3 walk in the park
And this was a pretty view from the other side of the pond. When I was over there, I realized that never before have I walked around the entire perimeter of the pond.
Nov. 3 walk in the park
And this was what we discovered on the other side of the pond, away from the paved path. This was only one of three or four beaver-chewed trees.
goose landing
When the geese on the pond started calling out, I knew that other geese were heading in to join them. I caught these two with flaps and landing gear down and one on the water with a bow wave.
goose landing
Goose in motion.

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