Tuesday, November 6, 2007

November 6, 2007

Not much of a blog entry today. Didn't see anything walking to or from school.
Nov. 6, 2007
But when I got home, I saw that the yard people were still busy clearing away the leaves. They must have taken a powerful blower to my front step because everything including the door panels was covered in dirt and dirt was resting on the leaves of my geraniums along with more leaves. I wonder what it would have sounded like if I'd been home at the time?
Nov. 6, 2007
This doesn't look like much but it represents about an hour's work, planting bulbs and then stretching mesh across the bed to keep the squirrels out. I like squirrels but they can go get their own dinner.
Nov. 6, 2007
I had more bulbs that I could fit in the one side garden so I stuck the leftovers in the other side. I trampled the dirt down but expect to see evidence that squirrels have discovered the bulbs here later. I decided to do bulbs only in the one side garden this year so that I could get annuals planted in the other side before the bulbs were finished in the Spring.

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